In a recent edition of European Education: Issues and Studies, the editors presented four papers that explored the ways that European education has been exported to other regions around the world. Hoda A. Yousef's contribution to the journal is entitled "Seeking the Educational Cure: Egypt and European Education, 1805-1920s." Dr. Yousef is an assistant professor of the history of the Islamic
world at Franklin and Marshall College. She is currently working on a
manuscript about the centrality of Arabic literacy, education, and
public displays of language to the development of modern Egypt. The following abstract accompanied her paper in European Education:
Egyptian reformers and governments, in their desire to create relevant and effective educational institutions, have often looked to Europe for inspiration. This paper examines the development of European style education in Egypt during the 19th and early 20th centuries. The desire to utilize modern methods while preserving the local character of education created institutions that straddled the line between the strictly European and Egyptian. With these compromises and negotiations, ultimately, one of the most influential legacies of European education was the belief in education as a “cure” for all the ills of modern Egyptian society.If this gets you wondering about the issue of European education outside of Europe, or gets you interested about the journal, you can find out more about subscriptions here.