28 November 2016

Table of Contents Volume 48, Number 4

Higher Education Policy Change in Europe: Academic Research Funding and the Impact Agenda Andrew Gunn & Michael Mintrom
DOI: 10.1080/10564934.2016.1237703
Music Education at Hospital Schools in Spain and Sweden: Paths Between Governing and Knowledge Guillermo Ruiz & Antonio García Álvarez
DOI: 10.1080/10564934.2016.1239297

Teachers in Schools with Low Socioeconomic Composition: Are They Really that Different? Julien Danhie
DOI: 10.1080/10564934.2016.1248231

Jumping to Conclusions—The PISA Knee-Jerk: Some Remarks on the Current Economic-Educational Discourse Uwe H. Bittlingmayer, Alina Florentina Boutiuc, Lars Heinemann & Hans-Georg Kotthoff
DOI: 10.1080/10564934.2016.1249188


Too Hot to Handle: A Global History of Sex Education Theodore G. Zervas
DOI: 10.1080/10564934.2016.1248697


The Story of the Baltic University Merits, H. Director and Producer, 2015.
Kara Brown
DOI: 10.1080/10564934.2016.1249201

Editorial Board EOV
DOI: 10.1080/10564934.2016.1249202

28 September 2016

Table of Contents Volume 48 Number 3

Revisiting Pasts, Reimagining Futures: Memories of (Post)Socialist Childhood and Schooling

Introduction: Revisiting Pasts, Reimagining Futures: Memories of (Post)Socialist Childhood and Schooling
Elena Aydarova, Zsuzsa Millei, Nelli Piattoeva & Iveta Silova
DOI: 10.1080/10564934.2016.1223977

“Fairy Tale for Pioneers”: Deconstruction of Official Ideology in Memories About Artek
Anna Kozlova
DOI: 10.1080/10564934.2016.1222589

Memories of the Revolution Childhood and the Modernization Childhood in China: 1950s–1980s Xiaobei Chen & Lan Chen
DOI: 10.1080/10564934.2016.1217740
Narrating Surroundings and Suppression: The Role of School in Soviet Childhood Memories Raili Nugin & Kirsti
DOI: 10.1080/10564934.2016.1208051

Understanding Foreign Future and Deconstructing Polish Past: The Experiences of Schooling Under a Communist Rule Recollected by Contemporary Polish Migrants 
Paula Pustułka & Magdalena Ślusarczyk 
DOI: 10.1080/10564934.2016.1221316

Across Three Continents: Reflections on Immigration, Education, and Personal Survival
Bodovski, K. New York, NY: Peter Lang, 2015.
Tatsiana Amosava DOI: 10.1080/10564934.2016.1204727

27 June 2016

Call for Papers: Internationalization in Conflict-Ridden Societies and Within Migrant Populations

Guest Editor: Miri Yemini (School of Education, Tel Aviv University)

During the last decades, education systems worldwide have faced an intensifying need to adapt to a rapidly changing post-industrial global environment that is continuously being challenged by social, technological, economic, and political transformations. Indeed, the dynamic and technological 21st century environment results in today’s youth living and studying in a global, cosmopolitan world and using novel tools, devices, and skills, thus forcing schools to adapt to a new internationalized way of teaching and learning (Altbach & Knight, 2007).

Individuals are urged to develop assets and capabilities that are valuable in such a global environment (Deardorff, 2006; 2011). Cosmopolitan capital (Weenink, 2008; 2009) becomes one of the most desired assets for students and has thus transformed into a major policy objective at all education levels; mobility is promoted as a key characteristic of internationalization (Doherty, 2009). These pressures for cosmopolitanism emerge in addition to the existing, conflicting pressures of nationalization, thus forcing education systems to comply with two sets of contradicting influences and trends (Stromquist & Monkman, 2014).

However, due to the perceived elite nature of the discourse on internationalization, the analysis often excludes refugees and migrants dislocated from countries of conflict and war who are mobile out of necessity (Kenway & Fahey, 2014). Nevertheless, those populations are increasingly accessing national schools in host countries globally (Dryden-Peterson, 2015), becoming an integral and growingly important element within host nations’ education systems. Since internationalization processes often cater to members of social elites (Weenink, 2008, 2009), it is particularly interesting to examine how the interplay between refugee and migrant students’ exposure to other cultures (at mixed schools and through migration) and their often marginalized social status shape policies, teaching-learning processes, pedagogy, and organization at schools within different regions and cultures.
Refugee and migrant students could particularly benefit from an approach to internationalization that calls for integration of global, international, and intercultural dimensions within the aims, function, and delivery of education (Altbach & Knight, 2007). In divided societies and societies in conflict, such education bears potential to overcome differences and create common ground for dialogue and shared identify (Davies, 2006).

This Special Issue seeks to enlighten and expand the discourse on international, global, and intercultural dimensions in education within conflict-ridden areas and
regarding schools/areas serving refugee and migrant populations. The contributions can address the whole education continuum from schools to higher education.
Contributions welcomed to this Special Issue are submissions that critically analyze:
  •  Internationalization in education policies in conflict-ridden societies
  • Internationalization policies and practices especially aimed at refugee and migrant students
  • Issues of curricula, organization, and pedagogy involved in internationalization processes within migrant populations

Instructions for Submissions:

European Education invites scholars from around the world to submit a 500-word extended abstract to Guest Editor Dr. Miri Yemini no later than 01/September/2016. Full papers (of between 7,000 and 9,000 words, inclusive of references, endnotes and other material) should then be submitted for review by 1 February 2017 via the journal’s online submission system. The Special Issue will be published in the 2017 49(4) issue of the Journal.

Further enquires:
Dr. Miri Yemini, School of Education, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv,

69978, Israel. miriye@post.tau.ac.il

Altbach, P. G., & Knight, J. (2007). The internationalization of higher education: Motivations and realities. Journal of studies in international education, 11(3-4), 290- 305.

Davies, L. (2006). Global citizenship: abstraction or framework for action? Educational review, 58(1), 5-25.

Deardorff, D. K. (2011). Assessing intercultural competence. New Directions for Institutional Research, 2011(149), 65-79.

Deardorff, D. K. (2006). Identification and assessment of intercultural competence as a student outcome of internationalization. Journal of studies in international education, 10(3), 241-266.

Dryden-Peterson, S. (2015). Refugee education in countries of first asylum: Breaking open the black box of pre-resettlement experiences. Theory and Research in Education:1-18.

Dolby, N., & Rahman, A. (2008). Research in international education. Review of Educational Research, 78(3), 676-726.

Doherty, C. (2009). The appeal of the International Baccalaureate in Australia's educational market: A curriculum of choice for mobile futures. Discourse: Studies in the cultural politics of education, 30(1), 73-89.

Kenway, J., & Fahey, J. (2014). Staying ahead of the game: The globalising practices of elite schools. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 12(2), 177-195.

Stromquist, N. P., & Monkman, K. (Eds.). (2014). Globalization and education: Integration and contestation across cultures. Lanham, MD: R&L Education. Weenink, D. (2009). Creating a niche in the education market: the rise of internationalised secondary education in the Netherlands. Journal of Education Policy, 24(4), 495-511.

Weenink, D. (2008). Cosmopolitanism as a form of capital parents preparing their children for a globalizing world. Sociology, 42(6), 1089-1106. 

27 February 2016

Open Call for Special Issue "Schools, Risk and Integration: Responding to the EU/Refugee Crisis”

“Schools, risk and integration: Responding to the EU/Refugee Crisis”

Guest edited by
Dr. Jamie A. Kowalczyk, Concordia University Chicago (USA)
Dr. Neslihan Dedeoğlu, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Universitesi (Turkey)

This special issue of European Education aims to explore the role of schools in relation to the discourses of risk, borders and integration. Submissions should respond to the intersection of education and the EU refugee crisis through an analysis of the complex social, cultural, political, historical and economical contexts that shape and are shaped by it. 

We invite researchers, academicians, professionals, and advanced graduate students in education scholarship, or related fields, to submit proposals for this issue. We welcome innovative/interdisciplinary, as well as traditional research papers, from a wide range of conceptual, methodological, experiential and international perspectives that further theoretical advances.  Papers should deal with European education broadly conceived and should engage with literature related to the issue themes  (integration, migration, risks, borders, migrants and refugees, identity).

Questions to consider: In what ways are schools, and education in general, called upon to address the current crisis over European borders, both physical and conceptual, and the “European project” that champions human rights, mobility and diversity? Who or what is at risk? What role are schools asked to take in the management of these risks, especially as it relates to questions of identity, belonging and integration? 

Paper proposals that include a 500 word abstract and author bio should be sent to the guest editors (Jamie.Kowalczyk@cuchicago.edu and neslihande@gmail.com) by March 31, 2016.  Final manuscripts of between 6500-7000 words will be due October 1, 2016 and are to be submitted through European Education’s ScholarOne site located at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/meue.

29 January 2016

Where is the Love?

Given the emphasis that European education agendas have placed on early childhood education in providing the foundations for lifelong learning, the quality of provision--and especially the workforce--is a key concern. Qualification levels are frequently cited as important for the quality of provision, but in their paper in the newest edition of European Education: Issues and Studies, Verity Campbell-Barr and Janet Georgeson from the Plymouth University and Anikó Nagy Varga from the University of Debrecen explore questions of the attitudinal competences required to work in early childhood in England and Hungary. Their paper, "Developing professional early childhood educators in England and Hungary: Where has all the love gone?", presents a mixed-method study that considers the attitudinal competences that early childhood students perceive as necessary. They focus specifically on the role of love in early childhood education and the contrasting perceptions and experiences in England and Hungary. In Hungary love is spoken about freely, but in England a managerialist and entrepreneurial emphasis has created tensions with more emotional ideas of being caring, supportive, and empathic. In Hungary, early childhood educators are given relative autonomy in their professional roles and love is a key characteristic. The paper considers historical, philosophical, and political developments in the two countries to shed light on how English and Hungarian perspectives have diverged. It also explores opportunities that comparing perspectives offers for the further professional development of early childhood educators. If you would like to read this entire paper or any other content from our journal, you can find out more about subscriptions at this page.

19 January 2016

Social Inequalities and Europeans Who Leave School Early

One of the primary goals of educational policy throughout Europe is the reduction in numbers of students who quit the educational system before obtaining a high school qualification. In their article in the most recent edition of European Education: Issues and Studies, Jeroen Lavrijsen and Ides Nicaise from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven note previous research showing that younth from disadvantaged families face relatively high risks of school dropout. Using date from the 2009 ad hoc module of the Labour Force Survey they explore the way that macro-level determinants influence school dropout risks among different social groups. Their findings indicate that both the design of the educational system (in areas such as tracking age and extent of vocational education) and characteristics of the socioeconomic context (such as poverty rate and unemployment patterns) have an impact on the social distribution of school dropout risk. If you would like to read this entire paper or any other content from our journal, you can find out more about subscriptions at this page.