"Worker’s Faculties" were widespread in the Soviet Union until 1941. They had two main goals--preparing adult workers and
peasants for university entrance through the provision of general
education and creating a new socialist intelligentsia from among
these groups. At the conclusion of World War II similar Faculties were established in countries across post-colonial Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Based on case studies in Vietnam,
Cuba, and Mozambique, authors Tim Kaiser, Tobias Kriele, Ingrid Miethe, and Alexandra Piepiorka of the University of Giessen argue that corresponding transfer processes
were largely driven by local actors in the respective countries and that
these institutions were regarded as suitable instruments in solving
problems particular to postcolonial contexts. If you would like to read this entire paper, "Educational Transfers in Postcolonial Contexts: Preliminary Results From Comparative Research on Workers’ Faculties in Vietnam, Cuba, and Mozambique," or any other content from our journal, you can
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