23 October 2013

Table of Contents Volume 45 Number 3 (Fall 2013)

Governmentality (1): Governing in Curriculum and Making People

Editors' Preface to Special Guest-Edited Issue
Noah W. Sobe and Iveta Silova

Guest Editors' Introduction
Engaging in Foucault's Governmentality and Styles of Reasoning
Kenneth Petersson, Thomas S. Popkewitz, Ulf Olsson, and John B. Krejsler

One Kind of Human Being
MACOS, the Human Sciences, and Governmentality
John P. Ivens

Governing Equality
Mathematics for All?
Jennifer D. Diaz

Examining "The Police"
On Inclusion and "Investmentality" in Swedish Schooling
Martin Harling

The Arts in Education as Police Technologies
Governing the Child's Soul
Catarina Silva Martins

Governmentality and Religion in the Construction of the Argentinean Citizen
Ezequiel Gomez Caride

XXVI Conference 2014, Freiburg, Germany 10-13 June 2014